We are pleased to announce that we are working with other area libraries to implement phased reopening plans.

At this time we are making plans to begin Curbside Pickup on Monday, June 1st. The service will be available Monday – Friday from 10am – 4pm at both locations. Instructions are listed below.

To help make this process more efficient, we ask that you please cancel any items you may have on Hold but no longer want or need. You can do this by logging into your O.W.L. account online or calling either of our locations Monday – Friday between 9am – 5pm. Our bookdrops are still open for you to return items if you are finished with them.

  • All items must be placed on HOLD. Place HOLDS for items using your online account through the O.W.L. catalog or calling your pick-up library any time on Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm.
    Jonesborough Library: 753-1800
    Gray Branch Library: 477-1550
  • Wait to receive a call, email or text confirming that your HOLD is ready for pickup.
  • If picking up from the Jonesborough Library, pull up to the book drop lane at the back door. If picking up from the Gray Branch Library, pull into the handicap space/parking area at the front door.
  • Call your pick-up library from your vehicle with your library card number. **If you do not have a cell phone, call from home and make an appointment for pick-up**
  • Staff will check out your items and place them in the trunk or back seat of your vehicle.
  • Remain in your vehicle to maintain physical distancing guidelines.
  • If you have items to be returned, do not hand them to staff. Please place them into our book/AV drops

We thank you in advanced for your patience as this is a new process for all of us.

If you have been receiving the auto-generated Overdue Notices from our system, please be aware that we will be waiving all (overdue) fines that may have accumulated during our closure due to the coronavirus situation. Items returned in our bookdrops are back-dated to our last open date and fines accrued during the closure are automatically reversed. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call.

We will not be accepting any book donations at this time.

As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, stay updated on our Library’s plans and continue to access our digital resources and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, information and entertainment.


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