Frequently asked questions

How do I get a library card?

Washington County-Jonesborough Public Library cards can be made at either of our library locations, Jonesborough or Gray Branch. You can visit our Get a Library Card page for more detailed information about who is eligible for a library card and what you need to bring with you when you apply. You may also call either of our locations for further assistance.

I received a message that my library card privilege has expired. How do I renew it?

If you receive a message (typically from your OWL Catalog account) that your “privilege has expired”, don’t worry! Library cards are set to “expire” every year and must be renewed. This helps us ensure that your account is always up to date with any address, phone, email or notification preference changes.

You may visit or call either of our library locations during open hours and our staff will renew your card. You will be able to resume using your library card immediately.

How do I renew items?

You can renew items online, by phone or in person. You can visit our Borrower Information page for more detailed information about the checkout periods and renewal policies for various items.

How do I place Holds?

You can call or visit either of our library locations to place Holds on items.

You can also place Holds online using the OWL Catalog. For more detail about using our catalog, visit the Using the Catalog page.

How many items can I check out?

New library users are limited to five (5) items for their first checkout, two of which can be audio/visual items. After that, you may check out up to 45 items, with some exceptions depending on the type of item.

What if I have fines?

In accordance to years of research showing their ineffectiveness, as of Spring 2023 our library system has opted to go fine free. We do ask that you return materials on time as others may be waiting for them. If materials are not returned within 30 days of their overdue status they will be presumed lost by the catalog system and a bill for their replacement plus processing costs will be issued.

Do you offer programming and other events?

Yes! We offer a variety of programming opportunities for all ages. We are currently running a hybrid of online and in-person programming. Please visit our Library Events calendar to find upcoming events.

Do you have public computers and access to the internet?

Yes, we have public access computers located at both library locations. The computers are equipped with internet as well as Microsoft Office Suite products, such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

We also have WiFi throughout our buildings and extend out into our parking lots for 24-hour internet access. Choose “WCLibrary Free Wifi” on your personal device. You don’t need a password to connect, however you may be prompted to “check-in” via Facebook by either logging into your Facebook account (if you have one) or you can click on the “skip check-in” to continue your internet browsing.

Can I print, copy, scan or send faxes?

Yes we offer all of these services at both of our library locations. You can visit our Printing, Scanning and Faxing page for more detailed information.

Can I request items to add to your collection?

Yes, we always take patron input into consideration and will do our best to purchase all requested items. Please know that sometimes, certain items may not be available for purchase for one reason or another.

You can call or visit the Circulation Desk of either of our library locations to place your request. The item(s) you request will be placed on Hold for you first when we have finished processing them for our collection.

Do you offer Curbside Service?

Yes, we are offering Curbside Service at both library locations. Please visit our Curbside Service page for more details.

Where are your libraries located?
Jonesborough Library

200 Sabin Drive, Jonesborough, TN 37659

Our main library is located in Jonesborough just off from Main Street and Boone Street. You can reach us by turning onto Sabin Drive, where the Boone Street market is, and follow that road around to our parking lot.

Gray Branch Library

5026 Bobby Hicks HWY, Gray, TN 37615

Our branch library is located in Gray just off of Interstate 26 (James H. Quillen PKWY) at Exit 13. You can reach us by turning into our parking lot just past the BP Gas Station.

Where can I return my items?

We have book and media drops located outside both of our library locations that are accessible 24/7. 

You may also return your items inside at the Circulation Desk. Please utilize the drop-slot built into the Desk at the Jonesborough Library, and place your items on the open counter space on the Desk at the Gray Branch Library when you first walk through the front doors.

Do you have designated quiet spaces?

Unfortunately, our buildings are too small to facilitate true designated quiet areas and we do not have separate study rooms. We do have several areas with seating and tables that you are welcome to use at any time, but we suggest that you bring headphones or you may borrow a set from the Circulation Desk. 

Where are the restrooms?

At the Jonesborough Library, the restrooms are located in the foyer near the front doors.

At the Gray Branch Library, the women’s restroom is the first door on the right of the short hallway located directly across from the front doors. The men’s restroom is the last door on the right of the hallway located next to the magazine area on the other side of the Circulation Desk.

Do you have a Notary

Yes, our Library Director is currently a certified notary. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment. We provide this service for free.

Do you accept donations?

We are presently only accepting up to one small box of materials per patron visit at this time.

If you would like to donate financially, we ask that you make out any checks or cash envelopes to our Friends of the Library group. You may drop off your monetary donations at either of our library locations.

Do you have paper tax forms and instructions?

As of 2023, the IRS launched an initiative to be entirely paperless by 2025. In accordance with this, they no longer provide us with paper forms. We still will gladly print out any tax forms that you request, for as long as the IRS continues to provide this as an option. Instruction books are likewise digital only.You can also find instructions at

Can I take the TWRA boating exam at the Library?

Yes, please visit the Circulation Desk at either library location and we will help you get started. Please be sure to bring your exam permit with you. You can find more details by visiting the TN Boating Education page.

You can check out this online Boating Study Guide to help you prepare for your exam.