Help us Grow the Gray Library
We need donations to help make our new Gray Branch Library a treasured community asset. Small amounts help!
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Visit our Foundation webpage for information about cash and check donations:
The Washington County TN Library Foundation is launching the “Growing the Gray Library” fundraising initiative. We are excited about the upcoming move of the Gray Library Branch from its current location to the previous CITI Building on Sid Martin Rd in Gray.
This is a wonderful opportunity for the Gray Library! This larger space will provide more room for library programs, additional room for the library collection, improvements in seating, etc.
However, the library needs funds to help with the remodeling. The library needs funds to purchase new furniture, chairs, shelves, children’s room activities, etc.
The Washington County TN Library Foundation is accepting donations from individual(s), foundation(s), corporations, and organizations to fund library capital projects. Your donation will keep The Washington County Library a treasured community asset.
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