Make a resolution to learn a valuable new skill this year!

We are pleased to offer a series of tech training classes covering Python programming language taught by local programmer, Michael Smith. This versatile language will allow you to make almost any type of application. It can be used to help build websites, play games, and create general-purpose software. And is a valuable skill in today’s job market.

No equipment is required to participate. The library will have Chromebooks for use during class times, or you may bring your own laptop. Participants will benefit from having their own laptops to practice with at home. The library has computers available for checkout.

No registration is required for this free event series.

Program Objectives:
1. Introduce students to the fundamentals of the Python programming language.
2. Develop a solid foundation in the syntax, structure and basic elements of Python.
3. Learn how to develop basic programming projects with Python.
4. Understand how to manipulate data with conditionals, loops and functions.
5. Gain an understanding of the various data structures available in Python.
6. Gain an understanding of how to read and write data to files.
7. Develop problem-solving skills through programming projects.
8. Learn how to debug programs and fix errors.
9. Understand how to work with modules and libraries.
10. Develop an understanding of object-oriented programming principles. 


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