Our Annual Bocce Tournament and Potluck, hosted by the Friends of the Washington County – Jonesborough Library, has been rescheduled for October 30th! Join us for an afternoon of fun and games, and help support our library! Tickets are $10 per person, and all proceeds go towards funding our library programs for children and teens in Jonesborough and Gray. If interested please email Terry Countermine at tac.banjo@gmail.com. You can also reach Terry by phone at 943-8726, or Sandy Countermine at 753-7495. We will be compiling names, and can help match you with a teammate if needed!
On Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 2:30 PM interested participants should gather in the driveway of the Countermine Home at 101 East College Street Jonesborough, TN 37604 for registration. Games begin at 3:00 PM.
Please bring a food contribution for the potluck meal that will be held at 5:15 before the semi-final and final matches.
We look forward to an afternoon of (fun)draising, food, and fellowship and hope to see you there!
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