Jonesborough Library –

Join us for our next Open Mic Word Night at Jonesborough Library on the fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 – 7:30 pm!

Is there a charge to attend?

This event is FREE and open to performances and audience members of all ages!

If I attend, will I be expected to perform?

Absolutely not. Take a seat, relax, and ENJOY! But if you’d like to give it a try, this is the place. We welcome and encourage all levels of performers, novice to expert.

If I want to perform, how do I sign up?

Simply show up and throw your name in the hat. Then, it’s all up to the luck of the draw. Admission begins at 5:30 pm with performances starting at 6 pm.

How long should performances be?

Performances may be as short as you like – tell a joke, share a short anecdote – but to be fair to all who have their names in the hat, all performances must not exceed 10 minutes.

What type of material is appropriate for Open Mic Word Night?

True stories, tall tales, poetry (original or favorite), readings shared writings, jokes, riddles, a bit of stand-up comedy, fairy and folk tales, single or tandem telling, it’s all up to you. just remember: this is an all-ages audience. The material must be appropriate for a general audience with no content or language inappropriate for the very young.

What if I arrive late…or need to leave early?

No need to worry. Happens to the best of us. We just ask that you try to enter or leave between performances, rather than during. With that said, it’s always polite to listen to those who have listened to you. So if you are one of the night’s performers, we would appreciate it if you would stay for the finale and a group photo.


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